

Priming involves giving cues meant to influence people’s perceptions and behaviors. Priming can be done with words, images, and questions, amongst other things.

This example from the USA shows how it works:

In a study, Asian-American women were divided into two groups. One group was asked race related questions, while the other was asked gender related questions. Both groups then took a maths test. Those who had been asked the race related questions did better on the test, living out the stereotype that Asians are good at maths, than those asked gender related questions who lived out the stereotype that women are not good at maths. Researchers were able to influence participants’ performance just by asking questions that primed them in a certain way.

[dt-space height=”30″][ultimate_modal modal_title=”Case Study: Priming for Marriage Equality” btn_bg_color=”#efefef” btn_bg_hover_color=”#efefef” btn_text=”Case Study: Priming for Marriage Equality” overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ img_size=”80″ btn_txt_color=”#dd9933″ button_text_font_style=”font-style:italic;,font-weight:bold;” button_text_font_size=”desktop:18px;” button_text_line_height=”desktop:18px;”]Experience from marriage equality campaigning in the USA : when doing canvassing work to persuade people to vote in support of same-sex marriage, voters were first asked if they were married themselves, and if so, what their marriage meant to them – often eliciting very warm responses. This “surfacing” of positive emotions creates a drive for more positive attitudes.[/ultimate_modal]

Experience from marriage equality campaigning in the USA : when doing canvassing work to persuade people to vote in support of same-sex marriage, voters were first asked if they were married themselves, and if so, what their marriage meant to them – often eliciting very warm responses. This “surfacing” of positive emotions creates a drive for more positive attitudes.

What priming effect could you imagine towards a target group in your context? In other words, when you approach people, what could you “remind” them of that might generate a positive attitude, or at least weaken their defenses ?

Post your answers on the comments section at the bottom of the page