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Recap video
Take away points
- Your strategies will depend a lot on whether your communication action is very ambitious or more modest, whether your budget is big or small, whether you have to react quickly or have time to plan, etc. Whatever the conditions, it is important to always consider all of the steps described in this course, even in a minimal way, if you want your communications for advocacy to be strategic.
- Because the communications will be part of a wider advocacy strategy, it is important to familiarise all members of your organisation with the communications strategy as much as you can, from top management to community workers. This will not only give you the opportunity to refine your strategies, but it will also ensure that it is implemented by all. This reduces workload on the communication team and avoids internal incoherences.
- Your organisation is likely to have a very strong internal coherence, which is good. But it also has the drawback of being homogeneous, so you might not get a different perspective on your strategy. If you share your plans and involve partners, allies and outsiders in your strategy building, you might gain precious alternative visions on your work, which can only make it richer.