LGBTI Discrimination In Thailand

Case Study: LGBTI Discrimination In Thailand

In an attempt to generate new data on the economic discrimination and exclusion of LGBTI individuals in Thailand, a large partnership came together, made up of the Royal Thai Government, the World Bank, the Faculty of Learning Sciences and Education at the Thammasat University, the social change agency Love Frankie, and Thai LGBTI civil society networks. Researchers collected the opinions of 3,502 LGBTI and non-LGBTI Thais in Bangkok and both rural and urban areas in the North, Northeast, South, and Central provinces.

The life experiences of 2,302 LGBTI people were compared with those of 1,200 non-LGBTI people in Thailand.

Read this short summary of the project and check your comprehension with the short and (too?) easy quizz below.

See you on the other side!

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